Donate to Help Build Bathrooms for Schoolchildren in India

On a goodwill journey to rural India in 2018, we witnessed poverty first-hand and returned home on a mission to bring change. We developed our Helping Hands Bar Soaps - 100% natural Guest Bar Soaps, packaged in reclaimed fabric swatches. Through the Helping Hands Soap initiative, $2 from every bar sold is donated to provide access to safe drinking water, sanitation, hygiene education, and a healthy learning environment. For every $10,000 raised, an up-to-date clean, secure and private restroom with modern amenities is built for young girls. These restrooms make a life-changing difference in the lives of hundreds of school children, year after year. You can donate any dollar amount here, or you can also purchase our soap for a donation of $2. Learn more about this initiative here.

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